The school uniform is compulsory and has been designed to be smart, simple and as economical as possible.

Please remember to add your child’s name to new items of uniform before they are worn to school

The following items are available to purchase from the school office using ParentPay:

  • Frederick Bird Sweatshirt – £8.55
  • Book Bag – £4.40
  • PE Bag – £3.75

Frederick Bird Cardigans, T-shirts and Bags are available to buy from the following retailers:

We accept donations of used, good quality, clean uniform. Please bring these to the school office to donate. The second hand uniform will be available to purchase at school events and will also be donated to families in need, either for a small donation or free of charge. If you are in need of uniform please contact our Pastoral Team.

You can download our full uniform policy here:


Uniform Policy 102.16 KB 1228 downloads