23rd October Newsletter

Please find attached the newsletter for this week. I hope everyone has a great half term break. 23rd October 2020.pdf

16th October Newsletter

Good afternoon Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Have a great weekend 16th October 2020.pdf

9th October Newsletter

Dear parent’s and carer’s, Attached is this week’s newsletter. Have a great day and weekend. 9th October 2020.pdf

Ukulele in Year 4

Since the start of the academic year, the children in Year 4 have been taking part in weekly music lessons! They have been learning to play the Ukulele with Lucy. Each Tuesday morning, every child…

5 Kingfisher Beowulf writing

5 Kingfisher have been working hard last week to create a new character for Micheal Morpurgo. We started the week by looking at the character of Grendel from the story Beowulf. We read the story…