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Year 3 Mathematics Guidance
The key focus of mathematics in Year 3 is to ensure your child is confident and increasingly fluent working with whole numbers and the four operations + – x ÷, including their knowledge of place value and number facts, for example 15 + 3 = 18, 3 + 15 = 18, 18 – 3 = 15, 18 – 15 = 3. They will calculate mentally and begin to develop efficient written methods, working with three-digit numbers and to calculate with fractions. They will continue to develop their reasoning skills, explaining how they approached problems, analysing similarities and differences when working with shapes. By the end of Year 3 they should have memorised and be fluent in their 2, 3,4,5,8 and 10 multiplication tables.
Curriculum expectations for Year 3 include to: |
- Count in 4s, 8s, 50s, 100s and tenths from zero
- Read, write, compare and order numbers to at least 1000
- Know the place value of each digit in three-digit numbers
- Find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
- Add and subtract ones, tens and hundreds to or from three-digit numbers mentally, two two-digit numbers
- Add and subtract three-digit numbers using written methods
- Recall tables and division facts for x3, x4 and x8
- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
- Develop formal written multiplication and division methods for two-digit by one-digit numbers
- Begin to understand unit and non-unit fractions as numbers on the number line, and deduce relations between them, such as size and equivalence
- Measure the perimeter of simple shapes
- Tell the time to the nearest minute using analogue clocks
- Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts
- Draw 2-D and make 3-D shapes
- Recognise and describe 3-D shapes in different orientations
- Recognise that angles are a property of shape or a description of a turn, using right angles as a marker
- Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular line and parallel lines
- Understand and use simple scales (e.g. 2, 5, 10 units per cm) in pictograms and bar charts
- Solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas