“Aspire and Achieve”
Our shared vision is for every child to be a proud member of our community, surrounded by care, positivity and happiness. We will educate and nurture them to be the best that they can be in our ever-changing world.
We aim to achieve this by:
Motivating children to:
- Be positive, curious and enthusiastic about learning
- Surpass expectations of themselves and follow their dreams, interests and talents
- Understand their role in the school community and beyond
- Use their voice to ask questions, share their opinions and demonstrate their learning
Providing an environment which:
- Challenges ALL, whilst providing an ethos in which mistakes are a part of learning
- Nurtures a respect of others and themselves whilst valuing diversity and equality
- Is built on trust, enabling children to feel safe and secure
- Is a positive place where all are aware of their roles, contributions and impact on one another
- Values the physical learning space
- Sets high expectations and instils a sense of pride in all aspects of school life
- Nourishes and supports everyone’s mental health and ambitions
Teaching and encouraging children to:
- Celebrate the journey as well as the outcome
- Become self-aware by knowing their strengths and weaknesses
- Aspire to greatness by providing children with a range of wider opportunities which influences their current and future success
- Take on board feedback as an instrument to improve and achieve potential
Helping children to develop:
- A wide range of skills across the curriculum and to be literate and numerate in order to succeed beyond our school
- The ability to process their emotions in a healthy and constructive way
- Pride in their work, themselves and their intellectual worth
- The confidence and resilience needed to thrive
- An understanding of what it means to live and work in a diverse community
Valuing the role of ALL adults to shape children’s lives by:
- Modelling positive attitudes and relationships
- Engaging parents to enable them to be an active partner in their child’s learning
- Recognising the strengths and skills of all staff, ensuring everyone feels valued